About the project

The project Researching Invasive Species of Kýpros (RIS-Ký) was launched in April 2017 and ran for two years looking at the impacts of invasive alien species in a variety of habitats (terrestrial, freshwater and marine). The project focused on the UK Overseas Territories (UKOTs) in Cyprus and was funded by the Darwin Initiative.

RIS-Ký will continue to run as part of the new Darwin Plus project Addressing drivers of ecological change in Lake Akrotiri SBA, Cyprus. This project started in 2019 and will run until March 2021.

The UKOTs in Cyprus are known as Sovereign Base Areas (SBAs), and have their own administration and civil government.


Information on members of both the Darwin Plus funded projects is available here.

If you would like to know more about any of this work, please contact the Project Manager Jodey Peyton.

Lake Akrotiri from the viewing platform of the AEEC.
Lake Akrotiri from the viewing platform of the AEEC.