Cardamine occulta
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"Division 1: Kissonerga, garden centre on road to Chlorakas, scattered as weed in flower pots but has started to colonise the ground, alt. 87 m, 19.12.2019, R. Hand 9334 (CYP)" (Hand 2020).
"Division 3: Mandria, SSE of village, side of asphalted road to the coast, ruderal site beside greenhouses, alt. 10 m, 26.12.2021, R. Hand 9424 (CYP)" (Hand 2022).
Alien: Casual
"The first record for Cyprus was published recently (Hand 2020). The new site also shows the close connection of the species with horticulture" (Hand 2022).
Hand R (2020) Various noteworthy records of flowering plants in Cyprus (1996–2019) and some status clarifications. Cypricola 15: 1-11.
Hand R (2022) New noteworthy records of flowering plants in Cyprus (2019–2021) and some status clarifications. Cypricola 20: 1-10.