Diplotaxis muralis
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Paphos, weed in Municipal Garden, 1981, same place, April 1993 (Della and Iatrou 1995).
"Division 1: Pafos, Mouttallos, S side of new Mouttallos square, 2 individuals as weeds in flowerbed, alt. 71 m, 26.12.2019, R. Hand 9347 (CYP)" (Hand 2020).
Alien: Naturalized non-invasive.
CBD pathways per EASIN (2023).
Della A, Iatrou G (1995) New plant records from Cyprus. Kew Bulletin 50: 387-396.
Hadjikyriakou G (2006) Contribution to the study of the flora of Cyprus 5 [Συμβολή στη μελέτη της χλωρίδας της Κύπρου 5]. Dasoponos 30: 7-10.
Hand R (2020) Various noteworthy records of flowering plants in Cyprus (1996–2019) and some status clarifications. Cypricola 15: 1-11.
EASIN (2023) European Commission Joint Research Centre: European Alien Species Information Network (EASIN). https://easin.jrc.ec.europa.eu/